Undergraduate Student Travel Fund

Undergraduate Student Travel Fund

Have you completed a project? A music composition? A research survey? A new synthesis of a historical event? A lab experiment or field study? A new invention? A marketing strategy? A new computational model? A book of poetry or a romance novel? 

One of the most rewarding parts of doing a research or creative project, planning and participating in a community service project, writing a business plan, or designing a new curriculum, is to share the results with the world outside George Mason University. 

You can travel to professional events and present your project.  Present at a conference, workshop, panel discussion, pitch fest, or film festival and show off your work to the world.

When you are funded by the Undergraduate Student Travel Fund you will be reimbursed for some of your expenses to present your work. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the wider community of scholars.


  • You must be a full-time Mason undergraduate student, who has not graduated by the time you return from your trip. 
  • You must be traveling to an off-campus event (e.g., conferences, performances, forums, exhibitions) to present your project. Conference attendance for professional development only (i.e. just attending) is not covered.
  • You must apply at least 30 days before travel.

How to Apply

  • Click here to apply for USTF

  • You should explain their project and participation in plain language that can be understood by a well-educated audience outside their field of study. 

  • You should include the abstract, proposal, or prospectus that they submitted when applying to participate in the event. 

Before Traveling

  • Complete and submit the online USTF application  

    • Application must be submitted at least 30 days before departure.                                                     
  • If you are traveling internationally, you are required to purchase international travel insurance through GEO.

    • Go to the Independent Student Travel Travel Registration to register travel and purchase insurance. 
    • $50 of your requested travel budget needs to be budgeted for a travel insurance fee.
  • You must pay for the travel expenses up front

    • Expenses will be reimbursed you once you return.
    • Departments, programs, and colleges may also contribute to your travel expenses in addition to any USTF funds given. 
    • If any additional travel support is expected from an outside source, please note this on your application.

USTF Purchase and Reimbursement Guide

All travel policies under OSCAR funds are set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Travel is highly regulated, even for Mason staff. If you have ANY questions about travel related expenses, please contact us at OSCAR@gmu.edu. 

Air and Rail Travel 

Purchase the airline ticket yourself and after your conference date, you can submit the receipt for reimbursement within your USTF application. As there are specific submission receipt requirements, see example receipt guidelines before submission.

Remember to submit receipts no later than one month after travel.

Purchase economy, non-refundable tickets. Do not purchase first class or pay for seat selection
If applicable, submit Airline Baggage Receipt Do not purchase trip protection
If applicable, submit at the most economical airport parking receipt Do not purchase a refundable ticket

Taxi and Rideshares 

When traveling, you can be reimbursed for ride share travel that is:

  1.  Travel to and from airport/train station

  2.  Travel to and from airport/train station to hotel

  3.  Travel to and from hotel to conference

  4.  We cannot reimburse for a tip over 15%

Save itemized receipts from rideshare company Do not submit receipts for personal rideshare travel
  We cannot reimburse for a tip over 15%


When submitting hotel receipts, the receipt must include your name, dates of stay, list the itemized charges to the room, and state the balance is $0 and is paid is full.

Send itemized receipts from hotel Do not charge additional items to your room: internet, alcohol, food, etc.
Please contact oscar@gmu.edu if you shared a hotel with another USTF conference participant  

Car Travel 

Car travel for USTF is permitted if the cost of car travel does not exceed the alternative cost of the most economical air travel.

Example: Traveling to a conference to Houston, Texas, the most economical means is to travel by airplane. If traveling to Baltimore, the most economical means by car or train.

Submit a roundtrip starting address and ending address. Do not get a rental car for car travel without pre-approval from the OSCAR office.
Submit itemized parking receipts. Do not submit gas receipts.

Group Travel

If you plan on sharing resources during group travel, please split costs as much as possible.

If you share expenses with another USTF group participant, please submit a brief description on which expenses were split and submit any receipts for your portion for reimbursement.

Submit a small description on who you shared expenses with, along with details on how you split expenses. Don’t submit reimbursements for family or friends who were not awarded USTF funds.

Other Receipts Allowable 

  1. Airline Baggage Fees
  2. Airport Parking (most economical only)
  3. Public Transportation expenses (business travel only)

All reimbursement receipts must be submitted after 1 month of travel.

After Traveling

To submit reimbursements, please contact oscar@gmu.edu for reimbursement instructions

Funding Details

  • Travel funds for students at the Fairfax campus, Sci-Tech, and Mason Square are allocated by the following guidelines:
    • Local/regional travel (within 25 miles): maximum $400
    • National travel (continental U.S.): maximum $600
    • International travel (everywhere not already mentioned): maximum $800   
  • Travel funds for students at the Mason Korea campus are allocated by the following guidelines:
    • Local/regional travel (within 25 miles): maximum $400
    • National travel (The Republic of South Korea): maximum $600
    • International travel (everywhere not already mentioned): maximum $800


Reimbursement Receipt Examples